Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 4th Recap: A photo diary

I forgot to tell you about my accomplishments of the weekend! Saturday we got up bright and early to run our first 5K. I couldn't pull the pictures from the actual race but here are some of us getting pumped up.

So, we got to race nice and early and we were excited! I didn't hear even hear the gun go off when the race started but figured because the crowd in front of me was moving, that the race had begun. I stuck with John for about 1/3 mile and then he took off. The hills were not easy but I had so much fun! The only part I really didn't enjoy was the few minutes I ran behind a shirtless fat man with a blonde mullet under his sweatband. Klassy. I passed him pretty quickly. So, I'm doing OK and then I get a cramp! But, I breathed through it and as I was heading toward the track where the finish line was, I thought, I'd better kick this up a notch. I wasn't really sure how fast I was going because I set my Nike+ to kilometers and I had no idea how fast 6:30/kilometer was compared to my minutes/mile pace. So I think I'm closing in on it and I realize all of these people entering the track with me are doing a full lap to the finish. BLAST! That's another quarter mile folks. I conserved some energy and about 30 seconds out, I sprinted to the finish with John cheering me on along the side, having finished before me. 31:22. WHEEE!!! But, my pace was 10:07 and it had taken me about a minute to get to the start. My chip time didn't record so 31:22 was my gun time. Which means, I did it in almost 30 minutes!!! I totally rocked my first 5K. John ran it in 27. We were really proud of ourselves, and we're ready for the next race.

Then, I talked him into going to the parade. Heh, and into bringing Sadie. She was really overstimulated by all of the activity but all in all, did a great job. We went to the festival later on and then came home and took a 3 hour nap. It felt GREAT!!!
It was kind of drizzly for fireworks so we just watched some on TV and saw some from our balcony in the distance, which Sadie did not care for. A happy 4th and a delicious Patriotic Trifle!

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