Friday, September 25, 2009

Accidental Zumba Affront

I think I may have offended some people in zumba. At class on Thursday, there were two girls who were clearly new because they didn't know any of the songs. During the last song, Guantanamera (sp?) which is a line dance of the latin persuasion, I noticed that the instructor's mom was WAY off. She stands in the back corner and she's never off because she comes to every class and therefore knows all of the songs. Somehow, she had gotten about four beats ahead of the routine. When we were turned around, I pointed to her and said to the instructor, "What is your mom doing?" She laughed and made a joking comment about how she had maybe been drinking. However, right at the time I pointed at her mom, the two new girls turned around and it looked as if I was pointing at them because they were in front of her mom. Oh no! They too were WAY off but that's to be expected since they had never done that song before. I then became very concerned that they thought I was pointing and laughing at them. Oops! I was doing nothing of the sort.

After class as we were all gathering our things I said hello to one of them to prove I am nice and not mean like my nemesis. She was friendly back to me so hopefully she knows I'm not a horrible person. I would only make fun of a crappy zumba-er if they deserved it. But, I still feel badly about it. Oh well, life goes on.....onto the next amaretto and coke, which is how I'm celebrating my Friday night.

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