19:46. That's how long my 2 mile took today. I totally rocked it. I have been working towards sustaining that pace and today I did more than 1 mile at it. I did TWO miles at an approx. 10 min/mile pace. This may not sound like much of an accomplishment but I started running 3 years ago and I'm finally here. So exciting! I'm attributing this to my pigtails today (which I also rocked) and running to my zumba music, which I don't normally do. Whatev. I killed it.
In other news, I still have 100 pages left in the book I'm currently reading. I don't know what's wrong with my reading pace these days. Maybe it should take a lesson from my running pace. Anyway, hopefully I can finish it this week and review. And then I might go back to the types of books I normally read. Departure from those genres has not gone well.
Ashley! i didn't know you have a blog!! i love it. here is the best thing i learned about kicking up your running pace (however, it only works on a treadmill): run at your regular pace for the first couple minutes, then put the treadmill on a (fairly steep) incline for a minute or 2. it will feel super hard. AND THEN, take off the incline but raise the speed. if will feel so much better than the incline did that you trick your body into thinking it's easy! that's how i got from a 10 minute to an 8 minute mile. every time i'm having a tough run i do it and it almost always works. let me know if you try it!