Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

I wanted to read The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger before the movie came out. Well, at least before I saw it anyway. It took forever to work my way up the hold list, probably owing to the movie, but no matter. I’ve finally finished The Time Traveler’s Wife. I went in not really knowing what to expect. Clare Abshire and Henry DeTamble weave quite a web together as their lives intertwining through Clare’s perfectly normal chronological life and Henry’s ever-skipping one, explained by a genetic disorder. They meet with Clare is six and continue on throughout their lives together. I don’t want to give away too much of the story so I can’t really get very in depth with the summary. I’m sure you’ve seen the trailer.

This love story/science fiction novel is usually met by reviewers who either loved it or hated it. While I didn’t love it, I find myself in the middle ground. I do, however, lean much more toward love than hate. I’m stuck in like. I really liked both of the main characters Niffenegger created. Her supporting cast was well executed too. However, I’m not super into science-based novels and this one had a LOT of scientific roots carefully hidden by romance. I think my main issue is that I am, apparently, too dense to understand time travel. I had this problem with the most recent season of Lost as well. I’m not crazy about themes where you can just change all the rules whenever you feel like it. Obviously, so you will get the feel of time traveling, TTW jumps around constantly. That, I got used to and in the end it really did help to move the story forward. I will warn you, it’s a long one. It took me awhile to really get into it but by the end, it was quite a page turner. So, I do recommend it. Just know what you’re getting into.

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