Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oh, blast!

I figured today might not go so well when I woke up at 4:30 am and couldn't fall back to sleep. When I first woke up I said to myself, Don't look at the clock. It will only psych you out and you'll never get back to sleep. Ten minutes later, I looked at the clock and was excited that I still had an hour until Tuesday began. And then I saw every minute pass until the alarm went off. Rough start.

Then, there was my 30 minutes longer than normal commute due to Ohio's lovely ice storms. Surprisingly enough, I didn't pass a single accident. Maybe southwestern Ohioans do know how to drive in the snow. Probably just a lucky break though.

I got to work and realized I forgot my lunch. I managed to bring an orange and my yogurt, but forgot my soup. The main course. How I overlooked the container of soup when I grabbed the White Chocolate Raspberry Dannon, I'll never know. Regardless, I decide I'll just go to Wendy's and get chili. It's only a dollar and it only has 5 g of fat, thus making it the best possible replacement for my homemade Pumpkin Black Bean soup. (Delicious and fiber-rific!)

At lunchtime, I drive to Wendy's, in the rain, and order the chili and splurge on a Caesar side salad. Watch out! "$3.08," says this chipper voice. Huh? What happened to the Dollar Menu? When did the price of a small chili go up to $1.59 and the price of a side salad rise to $1.49? Nevermind that the Jr. Hamburger is still on the 99 Cent list. Because the cost of lettuce has certainly surpassed the price of beef, right? Uh, NO! Come on, Wendy's. You're better than that. And you're on my list now, along with Panera, that wicked seductress. Don't get me started.

The lunch was a tasty departure but I was still brooding over the inflation while reading a book that I'm so not into. More on that another day......if I can manage to finish it for a proper review.

At least zumba was a good workout. My husband made dinner. And we have sprinkles for our fat free sundaes. Always end on a happy note, right? Vino calls.

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