Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bye Bye Vertical Blinds

I loathe vertical blinds with the passion of a thousand suns. I realize that they are practical in trying to cover large windows or sliding doors but they are so hideous I can't stand it. Our house has vertical blinds covering the double sliders heading from the dining area out to the backyard. Not only are they in a super visible area of the first floor of the house, but they were also not holding up to being slid open and closed every time Sadie needed to go outside. Thus, three of the slats had broken off at various points in the last 6 months. Yes, we could have just replaced them but why bother? I wanted them all gone anyway.

A couple weeks ago, I got my wish!

After filling the holes and painting over the patches, John installs the new rod, from the Martha Stewart line at Lowe's.

Yeah, I don't miss them either, Sadie!

The curtains are not permanent. I happened to have these hanging in another unused room and decided they would work for the interim downstairs. I like the color but the fabric isn't my favorite and I could stand to hem them a couple inches too. An added bonus of these curtains is that even though they're not thermally insulated, they help keep the dining area cool when the sun is beating through the glass doors. Those nasty vertical blinds never did that. Little by little, things are coming along.

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