Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress

I was drawn to this book by Rhoda Janzen by its title, Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home. That's gotta be good, right? Throw in the fact that I'm oddly intrigued by extremely religious sects and I'm sold. Janzen was raised in the Mennonite community and moved away for school. She became an English professor and when her husband leaves her and she is injured in a debilitating car accident, she moves back in with her parents and all the other Mennonites of her childhood. As she reintegrates into this world, Janzen learns how to deal with the recent hardships in her life gracefully and humorously.

This book was downright funny! I even had some laugh out loud moments. I love when that happens. Laughing out loud at a book, that is. Janzen is a wonderful story teller which clearly comes through with every page turn. There were some parts that were a little slow going but I think that's because I was really trying to read this quickly. It's overdue and so is my next book. I'm being a bad library patron and keeping it until I'm finished. Oops!

Anyway, read this one if you're looking for a laugh and a peek into a different world the likes of which you've never seen.

In other news, I'm not exactly on track with my 'Wedding Weight by Anniversary Date' endeavor. I really need to get back at it. This past weekend was a total calorie fest and while I'm doing everything right this week, it didn't erase all of those gluttonous wrongs. Gotta buckle down.

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