Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weighty Issues

Have I told you that for the last 3 Fridays in a row my weigh in was exactly the same? To the tenth! How is this possible? My workout regimen has been unfailing. I will admit the diet side of things hasn't been great but still, exactly the same? Come on! I could take it as a good sign that I'm maintaining but, I'm 3.8 lbs away from my ultimate goal still. Well, my first ultimate goal. Once I hit that, then who knows? The sky's the limit!

Admittedly, this past weekend while we were back home, John and I ate with reckless abandon. I'm embarrassed to report how many cookies we had. Cinnamon rolls AND cheesecake for breakfast? Oh yeah, we went there. And it's because of this that I'm really afraid of this Friday's weigh in. I guess only time will tell what toll my caloriefest took. I probably shouldn't beat myself up about this. I thought I was past doing that. I guess not.

On the plus side, I'm feeling like I look pretty skinny these days. What's that about? My weight world is nuts these days!

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