Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I first discovered Marilynne Robinson when she came to the Literary Festival I worked for in college. At the time, everyone knew her from her first novel Housekeeping. Since then she had written some non-fiction and teaches at the Iowa Writer's College. So, she came to us and did a reading and lectures aplenty and I met her and whatnot. Then, she got all huge and Pulitzer Prize-y for Gilead. Wait, I take that back. Gilead came out right before the Lit Fest and really, we were lucky to land her at that time. I digress. Home is her most recent novel. It's the sad story of Glory Boughton and her dying father as they cope with the prodigal son, Jack, who has returned after 20 years to make amends, or something. This book was kind of depressing, I'm not gonna lie. I don't have a dying parent so I couldn't really relate. I also don't have a transient brother, but the heartache that nearly every single character experienced in this story was palpable. Don't read Home looking for an uplifting plot by any means. Read it for the superb writing and character arcs. other news.........

I won my ebay auction for my Hunter wellies. Come to mama, babies!

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